Final Conference of DIARKAZ
November 14-16, 2023, Kostanay
The conference was attended by representatives of Kazakhstani and foreign universities: Novi Sad University (Serbia), JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences (Austria), Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (Germany), Innovative Eurasian University, Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University, the main partner of KEnEU on the project – SaryarkaAutoprom LLP, Ural Transformer Plant LLP , as well as stakeholders and partners of the university – the National Office of Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan, educational institutions and enterprises of the region.

The visit of the Erasmus+ National Office Coordinator in Kazakhstan
September 05, 2023, Kostanay
Member of the working group of the “DIARKAZ” project Aldasheva D.T. spoke about “Development and implementation of a bachelor’s program in the field of industrial automation and robotics with the introduction of dual training.”
Steering committee meeting no 10
September 4th 2003, Online, Zoom platform
The coordinator informed the partners about communication problems with the EACEA. Based on the feedback analysis, Kazakhstani universities are to conduct a survey among students, teachers and companies regarding their training programs. As a result of discussions on organizing a continuing education program, INEU plans to organize another continuing education program in September. And Novi Sad University will request clarification from KEEU about the continuing education reports. FHJ is currently negotiating with two universities for external evaluation. The current version of the sustainability plan will be expanded to take into account the recommendations of the external evaluation report.
The final conference will held from 14.11. to 16.11. in KEEU, Kostanai city.

Report on the results of the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) on the 24th International Conference «Innovations in Science & Technology« (MIST 23)
14th - 16th June 2023, Milan, Italy
This was an opportunity for member of the project team, professors PhD Eleonora Desnica to present and highlights all achieved results as well as possibilities for further application of the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ), to the participants of the conference.
In the attachment there are the project promotion images of this event.

Case of the DIARKAZ project at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Forum

May 23-24, 2023, China

Career guidance work of KEnEU
May 18, 2023, Kostanay
On May 17, 2023, a meeting was held with the parents of graduates of school № 15 in Kostanay. And also at school № 16 on May 18, 2023, the teachers of KEnEU told the parents of 11th grade students about the dual educational program “Robotic Systems” and the opportunities it provides.

Consortium meeting in Graz, Austria
April 25 to 27, 2023 Graz
The visit was very productive and efficient. As part of an intense program of visits, colleagues from the University of FH Joanneum demonstrated their experience in the implementation of dual education, organized visits to partner companies for the implementation of dual education, such as Siemens, Puntigamer, Altgrottenhof food production, and meetings with students of dual educational programs.

Also during the visit, a meeting of the project steering committee was held, issues of project implementation and its sustainability were considered.
All partners had the opportunity to discuss important aspects of project activities and enjoy live communication with each other.

Implementation of the LLL program at KEnEU
February 24, 2023, KEnEU
As a result of mastering the program, students received new skills:
– maintenance of the control system based on modern PLCs,
– configuration and implementation of equipment diagnostics,
– analysis of control systems,
– understanding of the design and principles of operation of pneumatic elements,
– maintenance and operation of equipment with pneumatic automation systems,
– reading and drawing up basic pneumatic circuits,
– cleaning and drawing up basic pneumatic circuits,
– installation and adjustment of pneumatic automation systems,
– fault diagnosis pneumatic systems and their elimination,
– reducing the likelihood of malfunctions and downtime of industrial equipmen

Eighth meeting of the Steering Committee
December 15, 2022

Almaty hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Trends in the Development of Quality”, dedicated to the World Quality Day.
November 11, 2022, Almaty
At the invitation of the leadership of KazStandard, the director of the Career Center of the Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov Segizbayeva Ai-Gul Seralievna.
In her report, Ai-Gul Seralievna noted that the collaboration of employers and departments allows developing joint solutions for adjusting educational programs to ensure the quality of classes, which affects employment rates. In the workplace with students, training is carried out by specialists who are already purposefully instilling skills so that the student has the necessary qualifications. Certainly, information about our joint project “Dual education for industrial automation and robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ” was presented at the conference.

Cooperation agreement between Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov and Satbayev University for targeted training of engineering personnel
November 10, 2022, KEnEU
The delegation included:
- Shokparov Alibek Zhumabekovich – Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation of Satbayev University,
- Elemesov Kasym Koptleuovich – Director of the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering of Satbayev University,
- Nugman Erik Zeinelovich – Head of the Department of “Mechanical Engineering” Satbayev University,
- Isaev Syrdan Adilkhanovich – Technical Director of the International Center for Analysis and Field Development of Satbayev University
The main issue of discussion is to nurture a new generation of industrial engineers for the development of the country’s machine-building industry. For this purpose, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between KEnEU named after M. Dulatov and Satbayev University for targeted training of engineering personnel.
So, Satbayev University, as the oldest and one of the most prestigious technical universities in Kazakhstan, and KEnEU named after M. Dulatov, as a regional university, are defined as basic universities. And SaryarkaAvtoProm, in turn, as the largest machine-building enterprise, will become a platform for the formation of professional skills.
The collaboration between the two universities and industry will ensure not only the development of the engineering industry, but will also give impetus to innovative discoveries and science-intensive production.

A promotion report of the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) on the XII International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection IIZS 2022
6th-7th of October, University of Novi-Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“ Zrenjanin, Serbia

Implementation of the LLL program at KEnEU
June 24, 2022, KEnEU
The course students noted the relevance and quality of the course and the professionalism of the teachers, and also recommended that such courses be held on an ongoing basis twice a year. At the end of the course, students were given certificates.

Friends, we have great news!
KEnEU, 10.06.2022
Dual educational program 6B07138 “Robotic systems” of Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov is accredited for a period of 5 years.

A promotion report of the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) on the XII International Symposium Engineering management and competitiveness – EMC 2022.
June 17, 2022, University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“ Zrenjanin, Serbia
This was an opportunity for members of the project team, professors PhD Eleonora Desnica and PhD Milan Nikolic, to present and promote the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) to the participants of the conference.
The project, project partners, basic project goals, basic project activities and results of previous work were presented to the participants of the conference, students, professors, assistants.

From May 11th to May 18th 2022 the delegation of partners from Kazakhstan visited FH Joanneum and Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg
May 11-18, 2022 Austria and Germany

Implementation of the LLL program at KEnEU
April 08, 2022, KEnEU

A promotion report of project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) on the Education Fair – Putokazi.
9th - 10th March 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia
The project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) was presented and promoted on the Education Fair – Putokazi. The project, project partners, basic project goals, basic project activities and results of previous work were presented to the interested individuals at the event.
The Education Fair – Putokazi was held during 9th end 10th March 2022 in Novi Sad (Serbia).

Presentation of a new project of Allur Group JSC
March 12, 2022 “SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP
On March 12, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Allur Group of Companies JSC Aigul Sapargalievna Akhmetova and the Head of the Corporate University of “SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP Olkinyan Lyudmila Yurievna visited KEnEU. During the visit, the university laboratories were presented to the partners, including the new laboratory “Automation Systems and Control Devices for Mechatronic Systems”, the ongoing areas of cooperation were discussed.
The discussion continued at the presentation of the new project of JSC Allur Group of Companies “Higher Engineering School”, which was initiated with the aim of developing an effective system of dual education and integration of business and education. The event was attended by representatives of universities and colleges of the region, “SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP, Agromashholding KZ JSC, QazTehna LLP, project office of Allur Group JSC.
The participants shared their experience of “business-education” interaction, acknowledged that the work is being carried out in many areas and has good results, but is carried out in a fragmented and not systematic way. The task of the Higher Engineering School will be the synthesis of positive experience, its transfer to each other, the systematization of the activities of the academic and business environment to improve the quality of education in order to develop the engineering industry in the republic. The experience of implementing the dual educational program “Robotic Systems”, of course, will serve as a starting point.

The results of career guidance work with 1st-year students of Zhangir Khan WKAU.

On December 13, a career guidance meeting with first-year students was held at KEnEU
December 13, 2021, KEnEU
Khasenova Anel, the teacher of the Department of Transport and Service, helped him demonstrating the work of a classroom for the study of modern mechatronics, pneumohydroautomatics, electrical engineering from the German group of companies FESTO.
The meeting was also attended by representatives of SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP – specialist of the vocational training center Omurzakova Azhar and corporate psychologist Turkestanova Dinara. They presented the students with all the perspectives of dual education at a partner enterprise, tools to support the factory employees, and also played an interesting game with the children.
Joint organization of such meetings with potential students of the new educational program is an effective tool for career guidance. We hope that we will receive its results in the near future.

Contract about co-financing the project DIARKAZ
November 8, 2021

On October 15, a new laboratory was officially opened at KEnEU
October 15, 2021 KEnEU

The equipment for the laboratory was carefully selected by the participants of the KEnEU project according to the results of a survey of employers. The delivery of a classroom for the study of modern mechatronics, pneumohydroautomatics, electrical engineering and a training stand-simulator for the study of modern pneumoautomatics to the laboratory was made by the associated partner of the project – the German group of companies Festo. Also, the company’s engineer from September 20 to October 14 on the basis of KEnEU conducted trainings both for university teachers and for teachers and employees of the College of Entrepreneurship of KEnEU, SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP, Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College and Kostanay College of Automobile Transport.
The official opening was attended by the project partner SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP represented by the head of the Corporate University Olkinyan L.Yu., instrumentation and control engineer S. Makayev, associate partners of the project, President of the Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics V.B. Turekhanov. and director of the training department of the Festo Group of companies S.O. Kuskov, project manager of the Erasmus + National Office in Kazakhstan Serikbay D.
In addition to partner organizations of the project, representatives of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, the Kostanay College of Automobile Transport, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Kostanay Region, Agralfarm LLP, Kostanay Agromechanical Plant LLP, Skills camp companies and participants in the project consortium took part in the event.
Hard work and a desire for partnership made it possible to open a new laboratory. This event is just a small contribution to the development and strengthening of cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises in the field of increasing the potential of higher education.

The International conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection IIZS 2021
7th - 8th October 2021

Online meeting of the DIARKAZ Steering Committee members
September 20, 2021, ZOOM
During the meeting, issues were discussed both on the completion of urgent tasks, including the provision by Kazakhstani partners of supporting documents for the purchase of equipment, and on planning upcoming events – the implementation of a new curriculum, development of training materials, guidance on dual methodology and LLL courses.
The project partners expressed their hope for continuing to work together in the same productive and friendly spirit and, despite the ongoing situation with the coronavirus pandemic, for the opportunity to see each other during the upcoming study visits.

GATE-Germany published a material about our project
June 30, 2021

A promotion report of the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) on the XI International Symposium Engineering management and competitiveness – EMC 2021
18th June 2021, University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“ Zrenjanin, Serbia
This was an opportunity for members of the project team, professors PhD Eleonora Desnica and PhD Milan Nikolic, to present and promote the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) to the participants of the conference, through the online platform.
They presented the project, project partners, main project goals and main project activities.

The seminar on teaching methodology and dual education
June 18, 2021
The speakers were foreign experts – Professor Hagen H. Hochrinner FH JOANNEUM (Austria), Ursula K. Göz DHBW Heilbronn (Germany), Professor Natasha Papic-Blagojevic (School of Business of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia), Dr. Olga Shmurygina (Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University), as well as kazakhstani speakers Talgat Ikombaev (InEU) and Professor Oleg Moiseenko (KEnEU named after M. Dulatov, Kostanay).
The project manager from InEU, senior lecturer of the Industrial Engineering and Design Department Talgat Ikombaev and the project participant, senior lecturer Narken Algazinov acted as moderators of the meeting.
The seminar discussed topics on the implementation of the new educational program “Robotic Systems” in the educational process, the proposed competencies and adapted methods of dual training, technologies for training specialists in the conditions of dual training.
A total of about 50 people attended the seminar.

KEnEU Admission Campaign
June 8, 2021

The GeKaVoc and KAZDUAL online Transfer-Conference
April 22, 2021

We are very much looking forward to staying connected with KAZDUAL partners for the sake of establishing Dual Education in VET and Higher Education in Kazakhstan.
You can watch the recording of the conference at the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWKPTQySHOE
Detailed information about the KAZDUAL project can be found on the project website http://kazdual.kz/

Live stream about DIARKAZ on Instagram
April 14, 2021, Instagram
On April 14, an innovative educational program “Automation and Robotics” was presented. M. S. Bokayeva, Master of Natural Sciences, members of the DIARKAZ project was the speaker on this broadcast. In real time, Munira Bokayeva spoke in detail about the features and priorities of dual training, about the prospects of this profession and answered questions from the listeners of the Instagram-live.

Online meeting of DIARKAZ Local Committee members
April 14, 2021, ZOOM
The main result of the meeting was the decision to modify an educational program to a joint using a modular training system. Kazakhstani universities will make changes to their curricula in order to ensure the possibility of further organization of academic mobility for students and teachers.
The committee also considered issues related to the equipment procurement process, participation in the GeKaVoc / KAZDUAL conference on April 21-22, 2021, the upcoming monitoring of the NEO and a seminar on teaching methods.

Meetings with the Board of Trustees of KEnEU and schoolchildren of Kostanay
March 15, 2021
During the week, the project manager of the KEnEU Oleg Viktorovich Moiseenko, together with the Career Center and the Marketing and Communications Department, visited secondary schools №8 and №29 and presented the educational program to school graduates.
On March 12, 2021, a meeting with the Board of Trustees was held at KEnEU, the members of which are «Ural LTD» LLP, «Ascom & K» LLP, «Baltik Control KZ» LLP, «AgromashHolding» JSC, «SaryarkaAvtoProm» LLP, «Transtelecom branch Kostanaytranstelecom» JSC, «NC «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» of the Kostanay branch of the backbone network» JSC, «EvrazKaspianStal» LLP, «Agricultural Experimental Station Zarechnoye» LLP, «Astyk» Elevator Equipment Factory» LLP, «Azimut» LLP, GSE «Kostanay Heat Power Company», «Kostanay Melkombinat» JSC, State Institution «Department of entrepreneurship and industrial and innovative development of akimat of Kostanay region», State institution «Department of culture of akimat of Kostanay region», State institution «Department of entrepreneurship and agriculture», State institution «Department of economy and budget planning of akimat of Kostanay region».
The project coordinator Zhanat Galimzhanovna Dzhabasova presented to the trustees a dual educational program and the possibilities of cooperation with companies within the framework of its implementation. The meeting participants noted the relevance of the DIARKAZ project and expressed their deep interest in cooperation in the field of dual education.
Also on March 13, Zhanat Galimzhanovna presented the IAR to the graduates of the Gymnasium named after M. Gorky in an online format.

Online meeting of the DIARKAZ Steering Committee members
March 5, 2021
The Kazakh partners received 25 results of the survey of employers, which was aimed at identifying the needs of companies in personnel, the necessary skills and competencies of graduates of couples and the willingness of enterprises to cooperate with universities in the implementation of dual education. At the moment, the analysis of the conducted research is being carried out.

In the near future, it is planned to hold meetings between FHJ, DHBW, UNS and each academic partner and partner enterprise separately to discuss the role of companies.

Dual education - the basis of modern education
January 25, 2021
Professor Kadyrova Akmaral spoke in detail about the priority of dual training, named the enterprises at which students can undergo practical training. International cooperation between universities provides a basis for modernizing the human and infrastructural potential necessary to achieve the goals of economic and social development. Thus, in the near future, the region will be filled with a new generation of qualified specialists who meet the demands of modern times.
The state TV channel in Pavlodar aired a report on the DIARKAZ project
January 22, 2021
The head of the project from the Innovative University of Eurasia, Kadyrova Akmaral, presented to the general public the prospects and opportunities for dual education in this educational program.

Discussion of the dual educational program
January 13,18 2021

Regional Cluster Meeting on the impact of E+ Capacity Building Higher Education (CBHE) projects in Central Asia
November 19-20, 2020
The cluster meeting was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Executive Agency (EACEA), the European Commission and the National Erasmus+ Offices of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.Representatives of DIARKAZ project were invited to attend the second day of the Cluster meeting (morning of 20/11/2020). Following a presentation on the EU funded regional cooperation in education; the participants discussed the challenges in project management during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement period in a plenary session. It was a good opportunity to get an overview and take stock of the different coping strategies and management practices under the new circumstances.

Webinar “Application and Admission Procedure”
FH Joanneum is the second largest university of applied sciences in Austria. It has about 4,600 students and about 651 employees. As an application-oriented university, they offer students a practice-oriented education on a full-time or part-time basis, and cooperative programs with an interdisciplinary focus. FHJ combines academic education with practical training. The long-term experience of our Austrian colleagues is very interesting to Kazakhstani partners and will be used in organizing the admission of applicants to the educational program “Industrial automation and robotics”.

Online-Seminar “Best Practices of Dual Higher Education”

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW ) is the first higher education institution in Germany which combines on-the-job training and academic studies and, therefore, achieves a close integration of theory and practice, both being components of cooperative education. With around 34,000 enrolled students, over 9,000 partner companies and more than 145,000 graduates, DHBW counts as one of the largest higher education institutions in the German Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg.The onine-seminar was also attended by the team of the DUALSCI project, which aims to integrate academic education and business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such cooperation with universities implementing similar projects and expert support of professionals in the field of dual education creates a valuable synergy effect.

A promotion report of the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) on the XI International IT and Education Development Conference 2020 (ITRO 2020), 30th October 2020, University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Zrenjanin, Serbia
This was an opportunity for members of the project team, professors PhD Eleonora Desnica and PhD Milan Nikolic, to present and promote the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) to the participants of the conference, through the online platform.
They presented the project, project partners, main project goals and main project activities.

Online adviser exhibition for graduates of the Pavlodar region

Steering Committee Meeting №3
Due to the current epidemiological situation, all planned trips have been postponed for uncertain term.
Erasmus Days 2020

Presentation of the international project "Dual education for industrial automation and robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ", held at the WKATU named after Zhangir Khan.

As part of Erasmus + week, at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad, on 5th October, 2020 was held a presentation of projects.
On this occasion, the results of previous work and a plan for future project activities were presented to students, professors, assistants and representatives of the economy.

Webinar «Training on Dual Higher Education»
On September 28 and 29, DIARKAZ project participants listened to a webinar on the topic “Training on Dual Higher Education” organized by colleagues from FH Joanneum and DHBW within the LaTFURE project. The webinar consisted of 4 modules, namely:
- Conceptual and Theoretical Framework of Dual Education;
- Implementation of Dual Education;
- Teaching and learning in Dual Education;
- Quality Assurance and Assessment in Dual Education.

Webinar "Dual education for industrial automatization and robotics in Kazakhstan”

Online meeting of the DIARKAZ Steering Committee members
The partner universities of Kazakhstan provided a report on meetings with employers and plans for further work in the development of a dual educational program for IAR and the dissemination and exploitation of project results.
COVID-19 made its adjustments to the project, but the consortium of the project is optimistic and proactive. A webinar on dual training from Austrian colleagues from FH Joanneum is scheduled for September. Stay tuned for further news.

Webinar "Process of the dual study program “Production technology and organization”

KEEU held an online meeting with employers

On May 13, 2020, at 11:00, an online meeting of researchers of the DIARKAZ project with employers was held at Innovative University of Eurasia.

On April 23, 2020, at the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in the 21st Century: Dynamics of Development in the Eurasian Space”, which took place online at the Innovative University of Eurasia, issues related to the implementation of the project “Dual Education for Industrial Automation and Robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ " were discussed.
The moderator of the section, Dr. PhD Dariya Abykenova talked about digitalization and digital technologies used in InEU, and dwelled in more detail on possible cooperation with Siemens and, as an option, in the field of joint advanced training of the teaching staff in the automation and robotics sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences Tamara Saliy and Dr. PhD Almagul Assainova presented the project of innovative educational program “Automation and Robotics”, the set of which is planned for this year.
Despite the online format of the conference, it was possible to discuss the main issues in the field of dual education for industrial automation and robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ, to exchange experience and suggestions.

On April 1, an online meeting of the members of the DIARKAZ Local Committee was held
The Covid-19 pandemic made adjustments to the project work plan, but the project team met online and resolved important issues, in particular, the development of the first version of the curriculum, its discussion with employers and the accreditation procedure.

Meeting with Siemens Digital Production Team Leader at INEU
During the meeting, a new educational program was discussed in more detail, the competencies that graduates in automation and robotics should possess, what prospects, in turn, open up for students and what formats of interaction with the company are possible in the future, are adjusted.
Today, universities have a powerful theoretical base. Nevertheless, for a graduate who plans to develop his career, especially in automation and robotics, it is important to think about practical skills in his field.
Partnership programs with educational institutions will allow students to gain relevant experience and understanding of real working conditions.

Seminar "Interaction with education on the way to Industry 4.0" in Pavlodar
The Sitraining training center held the first seminar in Pavlodar “Interaction with Education on the Road to Industry 4.0” with the participation of Siemens for universities, colleges and schools.
The participants of the INEU project Almagul Asainova and Dariya Abykenova told the representatives of the corporation about the project “Dual training in automation and robotics” under the international program Erasmus + (DIARKAZ).

International Education Fair, 4th - 5th March 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia
She presented the project, project partners, basic project goals and basic project activities to the interested individuals at the event.

Kick off meeting
The dual system is a special form of training skilled workers on the basis of close interaction between enterprises and educational institutions. The basis of training in the dual education system is the combination of theoretical training on the basis of professional educational organizations and the acquisition of practical skills directly at the enterprise.
The entire project consortium took part in the work: representatives of the University of Novi Sad (Serbia, project grant holder), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H. (Austria), Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Kostanay Engineering and Economics named after M. Dulatov (country project coordinator), Innovative University of Eurasia, West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP, Festo AG & CO Group of Companies and National Office Erasmus + in Kazakhstan.
The goal of this project is to fill the existing gap in this area, through cooperation with companies and other interested parties, to develop a sustainable dual-training program with international orientation in Kazakhstan (the program will be based on cooperation with institutions from countries where the programs are implemented) and become a leader in industrial automation and robotics in the Central Asian region.
The project will provide the basis for the modernization of the human and infrastructural potential necessary to achieve these goals through the training of teachers, the purchase of educational equipment and software, cooperation between universities, as well as cooperation with non-academic and associate partners and the transfer of knowledge and experience. Sustainability of project results will ensure continued impact at national and regional levels.
Based on the results of past events, the stages and terms of the project, the area of responsibility of each partner, and the expected results are clearly defined. The consortium has actively started implementing the DIARKAZ project.